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Ice Lullaby CLIQUE E OUÇA (Parollo Jr.)
Life is full of lies
Life is not so sweet
There are some streets
And roads over the sky

Where you may step your feet and walk
Flying so high, so high as a hawk
Trying to find all the sweetness
And even all the happiness

After the Fall think about creation
Beyond the walls of our imagination

Life is full of pain
Life is not easy
There are some ways so far somewhere
Where you may ride so fast and free
And even fly to live so high

After the Fall think about creation
Beyond the walls of our imagination
After the Fall think about creation
Beyond the walls of our imagination

Life is full of lies
Life is not so sweet
There are some streets and faces
Fading away like an unfinished song
I see roads over the sky

Todo o conteúdo deste site é propriedade de Belsen e Pro3000 Multimeios. Todos os direitos reservados. © 2012
Pro3000 Multimeios