(re)criando e (des)construindo o ROCK
ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS: a Belsen está de volta e com material novíssimo sendo gravado. Em breve o EP será lançado pelo K9 Estúdio e pelo selo Pro3000!
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"Jingle" CLIQUE E OUÇA (N. Prado)
What should I do with these songs that I cannot sell?
I'll write them again; maybe I'll do it right this time
I'd like to throw it all out the window
Sit on my bed and start composing a jingle

I stare at my guitar and I’m losing time
y creations are unbelievable and I'm in denial
Gotta hire some brand new musicians
To feel for me what I cannot feel is incredible

You have to slow down your mind
Shake your pretty white ass
Singing about love late at night
You have the attention
Have the attention...

What should I do with these songs that I cannot sell?
I'll write them again; maybe I'll do it right this time
Gotta hire some brand new musicians
To feel for me what I cannot feel is incredible

You have to slow down your mind
Shake your pretty white ass
Singing about love late at night
You have the attention

Late at night you have the attention
Todo o conteúdo deste site é propriedade de Belsen e Pro3000 Multimeios. Todos os direitos reservados. © 2012
Pro3000 Multimeios