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"Someone's Soul" CLIQUE E OUÇA (Parollo Jr. / J. Parollo)
If you really wanna know how I feel
Imagine everyone in their own world
Each one has its own light
Some of them has it shining
Has it brightful, has it white
Has it alive, has it red
Has it blue and it shines anyway
hines anyway

Sometimes each one of these lights
Struggle to keep on shining
Even if it's just a candle
Begging for keepin' alight
You know you've got to stare
And see everyone else
Shining as much as they can
And you look for any kind of chance

To fake you're really something
But it's like it's impossible to make
Your plan to work out right
And for some reason you know

You will never see your own light
You will never see your own light
And it shines anyway

Todo o conteúdo deste site é propriedade de Belsen e Pro3000 Multimeios. Todos os direitos reservados. © 2012
Pro3000 Multimeios